
FS 3.152

Mountain architecture and climate change

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  • Full Title

    FS 3.152: Architecture and climate change: explore criticalities and potentials of building in mountain areas within the current environmental crisis
  • Scheduled

  • Location

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop

  • Thematic Focus

    Architecture, Hazards, Migration, Mobility, Spatial Planning, Sustainable Development
  • Keywords

    Architecture, Climate Change, Local Resources, Adaptive Reuse, Community Spaces


As outlined in the 2022 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction, the construction industry plays a significant role in the ongoing climate and environmental crises, with approximately 37 percent of CO2 emissions and the exploitation of valuable non-renewable resources attributed to it. The fragile mountain environment serves as a sensitive indicator of the impact of these crises, as evidenced by hydrogeological instability, soil erosion and glacial melting. Concurrently, global warming and pollution give rise to the phenomenon of vertical migration, which describes the movement of population groups to higher altitudes to seek out more favourable living conditions. This phenomenon creates a demand for living spaces in mountain areas, which potentially gives rise to further construction and exploitation of resources. It is therefore essential to engage in discourse on methods for mitigating the impact of construction on the mountainous environment. The goal of the focus session is to gather contributions that investigate the limitations and critical issues, as well as good practices and architectural solutions within the context of mountain areas. The focus session will address several key topics, including:

  • The sustainable and responsible use of local resources, such as timber, with a view to circularity.
  • The reuse of abandoned or underused building stock.
  • The reconsideration of different forms of energy production and consumption.
  • The creation of innovative spaces with peculiar community and social characteristics.